Strange how sometimes I feel like there’s nothing to do for a while and then suddenly I’m swamped with things that need to get done. I wish it would come gradually, but I guess I do this to myself. I’m in the process of fleshing out my project plan so I can get a better picture of my progress on the game I’m developing for the xbox360homebrew contest. I’ll be managing it within my blog so I’ll make a post linking to the page so for those interested can see the current progress of the project, otherwise just look out for my weekly updates on the homebrew site or here. With this contest taking up pretty much all the time I have for game development the planned Camera Tutorial for blitzmax has been put on hold…until further notice. I might throw up a quick XNA version of the 2D camera that won’t support scaling or rotation (read: only translation) just to get something up in the tutorials section. No promises.
As for gaming, I’m still hooked on Battlefield 2142, and all I have played so far is the demo! I just bought the full version during lunch today since I couldn’t resist. I got Lumines Live yesterday for xbox 360 and it is strangely addicting. Must be something about the colors or music, but whatever it is, it makes matching blocks very satisfying. Although I find it a bit much to buy the game in pieces. You get the full game, but it’s still missing some of the more advanced levels so it forces you to pay up for more levels. Just sounds more like a ploy to squeeze more money out of the game, and it is already on the high end of the price point for an XBLA game. Couple weeks ago I also pre-ordered the Nintendo Wii. This system holds alot of promise in terms of innovative gameplay. I really hope it delivers! If this keeps up I’m going to be broke by the end of November. Well, time to go pick up the new books I ordered from Amazon :D! Peace…