Delays Abound

Hmmm, I was hoping to actually meet the deadlines I set for myself in the last update in regards to my current projects. Yet, even I can’t predict what will happen in a few days time. For one, I became ill right after the update for several days. Secondly, I’ve had to move back to Atlanta to start another semester of classes so I lost that window of free time due to illness and now the classes are requiring a lot of my time (who would have thought?...

January 9, 2007 · Alex

Onward With The New Year

Hey, just a quick update. I’ve been working on a few XNA related things since the contest ended. First, been working with WildBoarders and looking into the bugs people have reported so I can squash them for the next update. I also have ported WildBoarders to the xbox 360. A few issues cropped up, but it should just take me a few days to get most of them fixed. Expect an xbox 360 version in a few days....

January 4, 2007 · Alex

Happy Holidays

Christmas is around the corner (for those that celebrate it), along with New Years. It’s a busy time of the year that’s for certain, and I’m busy just like the rest of you. Mark Coffman announced the winners and prizes for the xbox360homebrew contest over the last week, and I’m certainly happy at the results :). In regards to WildBoarders, the game has reached over one thousand downloads this past week!...

December 22, 2006 · Alex

Looking Ahead

XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 and TorqueX came out. I gave it a spin and looked at a few of the starter kits. Torque is a rather complex beast so I didn’t get too far with it for the time i spent with it, but it looks promising. On the topic of WildBoarders, I’m releasing version 1.0.1 today. This version runs in XNA 1.0 and is simply using the updated Farseer Physics Engine....

December 17, 2006 · Alex

WildBoarders Postmortem

Sure, this game is not going for sale or being published or whatever. So it wasn’t the complete game development cycle, but there was still plenty to learn. This is my 2nd complete game released, so I’ve still got a ways to go :). But I figured I’d at least run through the motions and write a detailed postmortem. Read on for the details… ...

December 13, 2006 · Alex

WildBoarders First Release

Howdy! It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been rather busy in the last week finishing up WildBoarders for the competition. It’s uploaded and ready for download now. The game was created with XNA Beta 2 over two months. Go check it out along with all the other cool games in the contest entries section at It has been a fun two months developing a game from the ground up....

December 11, 2006 · Alex

Critical Mass

So this week is the final week of the xbox360 homebrew contest. I can’t wait to see and play all the games to be released this weekend :D. I wrote up the final dev blog post before the due date on Monday. I had an issue getting XNA games to run on typical user machines, but was able to resolve it thanks to another fellow game developer in the contest! It seems rather weird, but fortunate, that my editor and game has kind of hit ‘critical mass’....

December 5, 2006 · Alex

D-d-d-d-do Watcha Want…

That’s how the title of blog entries suffer when I’m caught listening to some catchy tune. I made a new Dev Blog entry for WildBoarders over at xbox360homebrew and I posted an article in my Tutorials section for dealing with large 2D worlds in fast paced scrolling games. On the gaming front, Gears of War kicks major ass. I was skeptical after the initial announcement many months ago. I just couldn’t see how the gameplay would end up interesting, but the graphics were sure a joy to look at....

November 13, 2006 · Alex

Little By Little…

Seems progress for the game has slowed down a tad over the last week, but I’m getting there :). XNA Beta 2 came out this past week so I spent a little time porting that. I made a new dev entry over at xbox360homebrew so go check it out! I added a new image to the gallery also. On a side note, Adam Stewart, the artist for WildBoarders, launched his new site last week!...

November 6, 2006 · Alex

Rock On

I realize there’s been a delay on my updates on this blog. But if you follow the xbox360homebrew site you’ll know I’ve been keeping up with my weekly updates. You can find my 7th dev entry there describing the art process of my game. Seems like everything is pressuring me to update update update! WordPress just released a new version that I’m going to eventually get around to. Most exciting is XNA Game Studio Express released Beta 2....

November 3, 2006 · Alex