Fun Flash Toy…

Don’t have anything ready to post as of now, but I had to atleast share this little flash ‘game’ I came across. It has sapped atleast a couple of hours already from me: Line Rider It is in beta, but it was pretty solid from what I saw. I thought this was a really cool gameplay mechanic. While I had ideas of drawing levels as you go for a type of game, this game took it far beyond what I had in mind....

September 30, 2006 · Alex

Can I get a number crunch…

6 New Images in the Development Gallery Ok so I had the GeSHi blitzmax language file scheduled to be done by last weekend. Got caught up in more important development matters. I still plan on doing a full port for it, just not at the moment. I’ll probably get around to it when I’m ready to post another code sample or a tutorial for blitzmax. Nothing too exciting to really post about at this moment....

September 26, 2006 · Alex

[New Blitzmax Entry] I can't believe I was driven to do this…

So I got my code archive up and with its first entry: New Blitzmax Code Module: Animation Strip Compiler Hope you enjoy it. Been doing alot of work lately on getting the site to accomodate me in posting code modules and examples both in C# and blitzmax. I think I might write a Blitzmax highlighter for GeSHi over the weekend. From what I’ve seen there currently isn’t a Blitzmax langauge file for GeSHi. There’s already a blitzbasic one, but it seems rather limited. Plus once its done that’s just another language GeSHi supports :). I’ll post the highlighter source when it’s complete. In other news, while I was out to lunch… ...

September 15, 2006 · Alex

So there I was. Sleeping like a log…

It’s Thursday. The weekend is almost here. Can’t wait to finally be able rest! Waking up at 5 am every morning to the sound of an obnoxious alarm clock isn’t one of the most pleasant things. I am certainly not a morning person. I’m a college student. What do you expect? I got a simple gallery up and running. The layout is a bit messed up at the moment but I’ll fix it later this week when I have more time to get into the code and templates....

September 14, 2006 · Alex

And Here We Go…

Finally got around to setting up my own personal web site. Don’t expect too much in the coming months, but I atleast have alot of ideas for the use of the site. Right now I’m just organizing some of my work to be uploaded and still tweaking the site to fit my future needs. Hopefully by the end of this weekend I’ll have some stuff up. Maybe even a screenshot or two of the current game I’m developing…

September 13, 2006 · Alex