Music While I Work

I try to avoid music with lyrics while working as it ends up being distracting for me when trying to work through some problem or bug. For the last several years I’ve been listening to chillout/lounge/ambient music. A couple of the sites I tune in to in case you wish to expand your listening playlist: Digitally Imported – Chillout Channel SomaFM – Groove Salad

August 9, 2009 · Alex

Low Hanging Fruit and Project Motivation

Some days it takes a herculean effort to force myself to sit down and work on my game. Some weeks it can be destructive to my entire schedule, while others its a complete non-issue. Overtime I’ve found prioritizing my tasks wasn’t enough to really Get Things Done. I needed a way to organize my daily tasks in such a way that would maximize my motivation to actually work that day, particularly after coming home from my day job....

July 31, 2009 · Alex

Interpolating 2D Rotations

I’ve had this issue in past 2D games all the time. The ability to interpolate 2D rotations for basic animations for anyone that doesn’t understand quaternions becomes a rather laborious task. I’ve done messy if-then statements to try to catch all the cases where rotation hits the ‘360 to 0’ boundary and it’s always ugly and seemed like there had to be a more mathematically correct way to interpolate a circular value....

July 26, 2009 · Alex

SVN Owned: Lessons Learned

I’ve been using Subversion even as a single developer for several years now. It’s invaluable to me and millions of other developers. If you’re a developer working on any project that lasts more than a couple hours and you aren’t using version control then you are shooting yourself in the foot. As a developer, we’re comfortable with juggling several things in our heads at the same time, it’s a fundamental skill we use everyday when developing software....

July 18, 2009 · Alex

wxMax > MaxGUI

The title of this article says it all. I’m currently working on the next ‘iteration’ of Gunstyle with a fellow developer and over the past weekend we were in need of a GUI library to help develop our map editor. In the past maxGUI ‘worked’ more or _less…._emphasis on the _less_. The design of maxGUI left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It’s a procedural library that is cobbled together with some weak OO on top that didn’t provide much flexibility (not to mention it wasn’t exactly ‘native’ UI on different platforms)....

July 14, 2009 · Alex

Video Games Live!

I just recently got back from the “Video Games Live!” concert. In short, it was AMAZING. If they are performing in your local area, no, your state I highly recommend you take the effort to make it to one of their shows. It’s an all day event of games, contests, and meeting other gamers that’s capped off with a fun and amazing performance.

July 11, 2009 · Alex

Be A Time Ninja

I’ve settled into my new apartment and job and trying to get a decent schedule for working on my different game projects. For now my iPhone game is my ‘main’ project which I spend Monday through Friday working on in the evenings. Weekends I devote to side projects such as Gunstyle. Trying to make progress is getting increasingly harder as my time has become extremely limited to about 1 maybe 2 hours a night during the week....

July 11, 2009 · Alex

On the other side

Graduation is over :). Real world here I come. Anyway, going to be moving in probably a month or so. In the meantime I’ve got a lot more time to focus on some of my game projects. My main focus is finishing up an iphone game and it’s coming along great! Whenever I play it I end up playing it for a lot longer than needed for testing, so hopefully that’s a good thing :)....

May 6, 2009 · Alex

Physics, iPhone, and non-sense

It has been a while since my last blog post :(. If you’ve been following my twitter account though you’d know it’s still been a busy last couple of months. I’ve been developing things on several fronts lately. For one, I’ve been busy developing some supporting code to hook Opensteer into C4 in a more seamless matter and work with C4’s constructs in mind. It’s a project related to some school work, which has proven to be challenging and fun....

March 19, 2009 · Alex

A Little Twitter Never Hurt Anyone

I’ve decided to give this twitter thing a try. I’m going to try to keep that feed updated as much as possible on my progress throughout the several projects I’m involved with. I’m spread a little thin at the moment so trying to find time to come up with a substantial blog post is becoming increasingly difficult. I’ll try to come up with some blog posts when I hit some milestones for my projects in the future....

January 21, 2009 · Alex