Current project plan status for WildBoarders. Ones turned green are the ones that are completed. I hope to use this to guide me through the process of actually finishing the game. It’s easy to avoid the ‘grunt’ work and try to do something fun instead, but as a whole your project could not progress very far. So I’m doing this to help remind me of the work that needs to be done, in hopes of getting enough time to implement the fun ‘polish’ stuff. Alot of things are already done (like physics, input, basic GUI framework, etc) and I chose not to include those in this list since they are already complete.
Main Menu graphics
Main Menu functionality for each button.
Options Menu
In-game HUD
Level Select Screen
Character Select Screen
Intro splash screen(s)
Pause Screen
How to Play screen
Loading Screen
Level – Night
Level – Evening
Level – Day
Level – Cloudy
Level – Aurora
Character poses (Switch)
Tail press
Nose Press
Character poses (Indy)
Tail press
Nose press ****
Exclamation words for the speech effects
Graphics for the UI (buttons and backgrounds)
Main Menu graphics
Character select graphics (2 character select/unselect poses)
Indy’s Select Pose
Switch’s Select Pose
Indy’s Unselect Pose
Switch’s Unselect Pose
Loading screen
Inking the backgrounds
Broken Home
Grizzly Bear
Cliff Jump
Flat Terrain
coloring the backgrounds
Broken Home
Grizzly Bear
Cliff Jump
Flat Terrain
another pass on in-game hud.
Graphics for splash screen(s)
Sound for the exclamation speech effects
board on snow sound
wind sound for flying through the air
get approval from Paul on using his band’s music
UI clicking/selecting/moving sounds
jumping sound
grabbing sound
tail-press skid sound
nose-press skid sound
crowd cheering
kids laughing
cameras flashing
Custom XML Objects
Finish line at end of level
starting point
trigger areas for hidden bonus jumps/gaps
timer for levels
boost for landing tricks.
Implement a ‘trick detector’ for detecting flips, grabs, and presses
points for tricks
tail/nose presses
grabbing ‘items’ from mid-air over ramps
reset on fall
on mis-grab
when fall on side/head
when fall off map
modify player physics polygon to have slants in the shape to allow tail/nose presses.
add events to collision response to determine if player is in the air or not.
Add dual key support to XGameInput to allow for keyboard support. (could I have 2 input managers wrapped into a class?) – probably drop XGameInput and do custom input manager.
Particle-like behavior for the exclamation words that are generated for the player
+Points pop-up over player’s avatar when they land a trick successfully.
player state machine to drive the animations.
tail press
nose press
Add custom objects (xml)
Add GUI for creating new objects
add GUI for choosing a custom object to insert into map
add implementation for custom object creation
add implementation for custom object insertion into map (saving + loading xml included)
Custom Objects for WildBoarders Maps:
Finish line
check points
starting point.
Import tile sets
layers need to actually work (swapping included)
make a C# image decomposer for tile sets.
layer support (make entities hold layers on save)
Add verlet-based cloth to characters
snow fall sprites
cap the camera bounds to map.
scrolling cloud cover.
scrolling mountains
scrolling immediate background
move draw code to inside of Scene2DNode
refactor camera to be a basic translation camera (simply maintenance).
add basic drawing exclusion based off a rectangle overlap.
basic scaling + zooming out so I can actually see the map!
Misc Coding
Port to XNA Beta 2
Adjust Camera position
Reset player state if player releases grab
adjust min/max calculations to include AABB from physics.
Clean up pipeline settings.
**Polish (If Time) **
in-game tutorials
Shader-based rendering
motion blur shader support
bloom shader support
shader based particles (snow flurries and powder from riding)
Global high-score list (component)
Camera zooms out on jumps to give player view of landing
bonus multiplier points for combinations of tricks. (ie big-air backflip grab to tail-press)
menus transition by bouncing in/out (ie from main to character select).
Fix memory leak from level changing
Reduce memory requirement.
– After some testing of importing the map assets I am going to need to tile the larger pieces in the editor. This means I’m going to need to code some macro management of tilesets for easy moving.
– Priorities right now are scaling, parallaxing, and layers.
– Followed by implementing custom xml objects. – Then implementing the screens (new main menu, character select, level select). **